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Figure Eight Island Church

Figure Eight Island Church invites residents and guests to join its services each Sunday morning at 8:30 am in the Yacht Club. Weekly services are held each Sunday and continue through the Sunday of Labor Day weekend.​


2024 Summer Schedule


  • March 31, Rev. Ron Abrams (Easter)

  • May 26, Rev. Ron Abrams

  • June 2, Dr. Mike Queen

  • June 9, Dr. Gary Chapman

  • June 16, Kristi Overton Johnson

  • June 23, Rev. John R. Ragsdale

  • June 30, Rev. Andy Langford

  • July 7, Rev. Franklin Golden

  • July 14, Rev. Ron Abrams

  • July 21, Rev. Jay Sidebotham

  • July 28, Dr. Bob Bardin

  • August 4, Rev. Paul Johansson

  • August 11, Rev. Paul Johansson

  • August 18, Rev. Steve Hein

  • August 25, Rev. Ron Abrams

  • September 1, Rev. Bob Haywood


Read more about this season's guest speakers below.


Stay and enjoy refreshments and fellowship afterward in the Lobby Lounge.

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Rev. Ron Abrams

Ron currently serves as Priest in Charge at Holy Trinity in Hampstead and previously served as the Rector of St. James’ Parish, Wilmington from 1999 to 2019. Before moving to North Carolina, Ron served as Assistant Rector of St. Mark’s, Westhampton Beach, New York from 1982 to 1984 and as Rector of St. Ann’s Church in Bridgehampton, New York from 1984 to 1991.

In 1991 Ron began a new ministry as Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Fayetteville. During his time there Ron worked extensively with military families and was the guest lecturer for the Bishop of the Armed Forces at conferences in Japan and Germany.

Active in the life of the Diocese of East Carolina and the larger Episcopal Church, Ron has served in various capacities including President of the Standing Committee and a three-time Deputy to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. He currently serves as a Trustee of the Diocese.

Ron is married to Kathleen who is an Interior Designer and they have two sons and three grandchildren.

Duke Ladd

Duke has provided music for Figure Eight Island Church for over 20 years. He is Wilmington's "go to" guy for solo piano music, jazz band entertainment, or ballroom dancing music for weddings, receptions, corporate or private events in the area.  Duke has over 25 years of experience playing piano for wedding parties, festivals, corporate functions, birthday or anniversary parties, theatrical shows, major fundraising events, and just about every special occasion.

Duke Ladd
Guest Speakers
Introducing our 2024 Guest Speakers
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Rev. Ron Abrams, Easter Guest Speaker

March 31, 2024 (Rev. Abrams will also speak on May 26, July 14 and August 25)

Ron currently serves as Priest in Charge at Holy Trinity in Hampstead and previously served as the Rector of St. James’ Parish, Wilmington from 1999 to 2019. Before moving to North Carolina, Ron served as Assistant Rector of St. Mark’s, Westhampton Beach, New York from 1982 to 1984 and as Rector of St. Ann’s Church in Bridgehampton, New York from 1984 to 1991.


In 1991 Ron began a new ministry as Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Fayetteville. During his time there Ron worked extensively with military families and was the guest lecturer for the Bishop of the Armed Forces at conferences in Japan and Germany.


Active in the life of the Diocese of East Carolina and the larger Episcopal Church, Ron has served in various capacities including President of the Standing Committee and a three-time Deputy to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. He currently serves as a Trustee of the Diocese. Ron is married to Kathleen who is an Interior Designer and they have two sons and three grandchildren.


Dr. Mike Queen, Retired, Guest Speaker

June 2, 2024

A native of West Virginia, Rev. Mike Queen, has served churches in North Carolina for the last 46 years. Recently retired after 25 years as pastor at First Baptist Church in Wilmington, NC, Mike, along with his colleague Jayne Davis, authored a book, Hopeful Imagination, designed to help traditional churches dedicated to finding God’s way in a changing world. Mike and Bobbie, his wife of 55 years, live in Wilmington and they have continued their ministry by serving as interim pastor in four other NC churches. Mike also recently retired after thirteen years as the co-coordinator of the Center for Healthy Churches-Carolinas region, a national church consulting group serving largely Baptist and Presbyterian congregations.


Dr. Gary Chapman, Guest Speaker

June 9, 2024

Dr. Chapman is an American author, speaker, counselor and radio talk show host on over 400 stations. The 5 Love Languages is one of Chapman’s most popular titles, topping various bestseller charts for years, selling over twenty million copies and has been on the New York Times bestsellers list since 2007. He has recently retired from a position he held for fifty years as senior associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem.

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Kristi Overton Johnson, Guest Speaker

June 16, 2024

In her thirty-five-year water ski career, Kristi Overton Johnson fell every day. Yet in the midst of her falls and failures, she became one of the most decorated women water skiers of all times, holding the world record in women’s slalom from 1992-2010 and accumulating over 80 professional world titles.

Her experiences as a professional athlete and her relationship with Jesus Christ taught Kristi the valuable truth that falls don’t prevent victory - on the water or in life­­. Instead, it’s how one respond to the falls and which power source one connects to that determine the outcome.


It is this message of perseverance, truth, and hope that Kristi has dedicated her life to sharing. Her message of second chances has been especially impacting within the prison system.


In 2013, God used a simple visit with an incarcerated friend to open Kristi’s eyes to the hopelessness of life behind bars and the need for imprisoned men and women to know the God of second chances.


Since them, Kristi and her ministry team have been committed to being a voice of hope to inmates across the United States through its Victorious Living magazine, Prison Correspondence Outreach, and on-site prison events.


Kristi married her best friend, Tim Johnson, in 1994. They have three children: Ty, Dalton, and Ivy. Tim and Kristi reside in Central Florida, home base to Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries and In His Wakes, both nonprofit ministries Kristi founded. Her family, Parker and Becky Overton, and brother Michael live in Greenville and enjoy their summers on Figure 8.


Kristi is the published author of Running the Course and Hit It! and is the publisher of Victorious Living magazine.

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Rev. John R. Ragsdale, Guest Speaker

June 23, 2024

John Ragsdale grew up in Jamestown, North Carolina, and graduated from Woodberry Forest School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in Business Administration. He worked in banking and business for fifteen years, then, responding to the call to ministry, he attended Columbia Theological Seminary for his master’s and earned his doctorate from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. He served as pastor of several churches in northeast Florida and on the staff of the Presbytery of St. Augustine, retiring from full-time ministry in 2012. John and his wife, Sally, have two sons and live in Jacksonville, Florida.


Rev. Andy Langford, Guest Speaker

June 30, 2024

Andy Langford retired as Senior Pastor of Central UMC, Concord, in 2018.  In his 45 years of ordained ministry, he served 7 appointments in Kannapolis, Atlanta, Avery County, Nashville, China Grove, Charlotte, and Concord.


In retirement, Andy was elected to the Concord, North Carolina City Council, North Carolina's 9th largest city, to serve a four-year term, and was just re-elected in 2023. 


He is a leader in evangelism, stewardship, worship, and reforms in The United Methodist Church.  Born and raised in North Carolina, Andy was educated at Davidson College, Duke Divinity School, and Emory University. 


From 1985-1992, Andy was responsible for the worship, music, and preaching programs of The United Methodist Church. He was the General Editor of The United Methodist Book of Worship. He has published 25 books, including the 2023 Being a United Methodist Church with his wife and daughter.


Andy has led workshops and preached from Westminster Abbey in London to small native congregations in Panama to the Upper Room Chapel in Nashville to Duke Chapel in Durham, and throughout the United States and in Israel, England, Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico, Panama, and Guatemala. He has visited every US State except Alaska and 40 other nations.


Andy is 71; late father (Tom) was Methodist systematic theologian and Provost at Duke University; his late mother (Ann Marie) was the sister of Figure Eight Island resident Peggy Young; married to The Reverend Sally Overby Langford (retired); two children and four grandchildren: hobbies include cooking, reading, writing, travel, genealogy, and golf.

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Rev. Franklin Golden, Guest Speaker

July 7, 2024

Franklin Golden is the founding pastor of Durham Church, a PC(USA) congregation established in 2012 in partnership with Iglesia Presbiteriana Emanuel. He serves on the Coordinating Committee of the NC Poor People’s Campaign.


Franklin and his wife Martha, a clinical psychologist, live in Hillsborough with their children, Lily (17) and Davis (15). Their oldest daughter, Mawi, lives in Durham with her husband John, and Franklin and Martha’s 2-year-old grandson, Kai. A second grandson is due late September.


Rev. Jay Sidebotham, Guest Speaker

July 21, 2024

Jay recently concluded ministry as Associate Rector for Formation at St. James Church in Manhattan, where he worked half-time as he continued work with RenewalWorks, a ministry of Forward Movement. RenewalWorks works with Episcopal congregations to build culture of discipleship and to focus single-mindedly on spiritual growth. Jay looks forward to settling into life full time in Wilmington this fall.


The smartest thing he ever did was to marry Frances Murchison whose family has lived in Wilmington for many years. Jay and Frances moved here in 2014 and greatly enjoy this beautiful part of the world.

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Dr. Bob Bardin, Guest Speaker

July 28, 2024

Bob is married to Sally, a retired Counselor (LPC), and they share 4 children and 2 grandchildren. He is graduate of N.C State University and Union Theological Seminary, Richmond,Va. In more than 40 years of previous ministry he has served five churches: two in North Carolina, one in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, one in Troon, Scotland, and one in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.


After retiring from First Presbyterian Church in Goldsboro in 2020, Bob served as an Interim Pastor at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church and at Mount Olive Presbyterian Church before retiring, again, in May of this year. With family roots in Greene and Edgecombe counties, Bob is a confirmed lover of Eastern North Carolina. “I have often poured peanuts in my Pepsi, enjoyed the whine of a porch swing, and washed tobacco gum from my hands with Lava Soap.” He says that each church he has served has been the best church he has served.

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Rev. Paul Johansson, Guest Speaker

August 4 and August 11, 2024

Paul is a retired Lutheran Pastor and the son-in-law of the late Van Weatherspoon and Kay Weatherspoon, long-time homeowners on the island. Paul and his wife Martha are blessed with two sons, two daughter-in-laws and three grandchildren with another one on the way. Paul grew up in East Africa as part of a missionary family and has served as a Pastor in Charlotte, Hartford, CT, St. Cloud, MN and Elk River, MN.

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Rev. Steve Hein, Guest Speaker

August 18, 2024

Steve, a retired Presbyterian minister, returns to lead this week's service. He most recently served at St. Andrew’s-Covenant Presbyterian Church in Wilmington.


Steve graduated from Pittsburgh theological seminary in 1975; served four churches in 40 years, last serving at St. Andrews Covenant Presbyterian Church for 18 years retiring at the end of 2015. He received an honorary D. D. From the University of Malawi, Africa in June 2014. He recently started a foundation to fund schools, farming, wells and health ministries in Zomba Malawi. His wife is Katherine and they have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. He enjoys fishing, and travel (especially with family).

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Rev. Bob Haywood, Minister, Figure 8 Island Church

September 1, 2024

Bob is a retired Presbyterian minister who has served Figure 8 Island Church since 1996. He has spent his career as Campus Minister at universities in Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania. Most recently, he served as Campus Minister twenty-eight years at UNCW Wilmington. A lifelong sailor, he and wife Deborah love to travel. They have lived in Wilmington since 1980 and are blessed to have two of their four children, and two grandchildren living nearby. 

About Your Church

Our island church was founded in 1986 by residents in order to enjoy worship services during the summer while away from their home churches. Services are held each Sunday at 8:30 AM indoors at the Yacht Club.  There is a time after each service for fellowship and refreshments.  Services are interdenominational, brief and family-friendly. The dress is casual and all residents, guests and visitors are welcome.


This summer, services will begin on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and will continue through the Sunday of Labor Day weekend.


Church Committee Members

Cliff Benson • Frannie DeWitt Browne • Jim Douglas • Leigh Edwards

Beth Howard • David Kellam • Yvonne Rayburn • Mike Smith • Jim Stone


Rev. Ron Abrams


Worship with us

Service: 8:30 - 9:15 am
Fellowship immediately following.

If you would like to send a prayer request for a loved one or notify the Church of the death of an immediate family member, please contact us.

Prayer Request
Contact Us

Figure Eight Island Church
15 Bridge Road
Wilmington, NC

Figure Eight Island Church Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


Federal Tax ID No. 58-1690332

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